Pupil Premium funding comes in to school annually to help us support key groups of pupils across school to raise attainment for the disadvantaged of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers. To provide the most appropriate additional activities and interventions we have analysed our barriers to learning, these include:Poor language skills in EYFS, high levels of SEND, emotional and mental health issues, overall well-being concerns, parental engagement, progress in KS2, low attendance, safeguarding concerns, limited experiences of areas beyond Salford & enrichment activities. We use pupil outcome data and termly monitoring to further inform spending decisions.
All schools use this funding in different ways. You can click on the links to find out how we have used the funding to help our pupils.
Following the success of the Olympics, the government have been keen to invest in the Gold medallists of the future! All schools have received additional funding to support this over the coming years.