Dream, believe, achieve, together
0161 789 2598

Homework and Online Learning

Homework can help pupils learn and can help parents be involved in their children's education. When parents show an interest in their child's schoolwork, they teach an important lesson - that learning is fun and worth the effort.

Children who do more homework, on average, do better in school. As children move up through the stages, homework becomes even more important to school success.

Teachers assign homework for many reasons. It can help children:

  • Practice what they have learned in school;
  • Get ready for the next day's class;
  • Use resources, such as libraries, encyclopaedias and computers;
  • Learn things they don't have time to learn in school;

Homework can also help children learn good habits and attitudes. It can teach children to work by themelves an encourage discipline and responsibility:

Other ways to help:

Remote Learning

Schools are required to provide access to remote learning if the school/class/family are not able to attend. At Westwood Park we:

Deliver weekly packs to ALL children if the whole school is closed.
Put work on Seesaw or Tapestry every school day (ALL children in KS1 and KS2 have a Seesaw account with a unique code. ALL children in EYFS have access to Tapestry)
Give feedback on work uploaded to seesaw
Ensure regular wellbeing checkups are made to all
Host class weekly half hour zoom check-ins which are attended by two members of staff
Live lessons are also provided to children in all classes at 10am from the first full class absence day.

  • Look over your child's homework.
  • Meet the teachers early in the year and find out about the homework policy.
  • Review teacher comments on homework that has been returned and discuss with your child.
  • Contact the teacher if there's a homework problem you can't resolve.
  • Congratulate your child on a job well done.;

Your child receives homework weekly as well as reading each night at home. There are links to useful websites below that can help you and your child with their homework.

Tel: 0161 789 2598 or Email