Dream, believe, achieve, together
0161 789 2598
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SEND Provision

Parents and Carers who have children with Special Needs can find school life stressful.  We want to help as much as we can.  Please speak to a member of staff.

Our Local Offer is available to download below.

We work closely with Speech Therapy to work with our younger children. Our speech therapist, comes in frequently to work with small groups of children and individuals on key skills.  We have an Educational Psychologist who works with and assesses children throughout school.  We have a Counsellor who works with children who are suffering emotional distress.  Our staff are highly trained to support any need your child may have.  We are dedicated to helping EVERY child reach their full potential.

Our Special Needs Coordinator is Danielle Clark. Please call 0161 789 2598 if you need assistance.  Alternatively, our Family Liaison Officer, Angela Lamb, can help with initial concerns.

Tel: 0161 789 2598 or Email