Dream, believe, achieve, together
0161 789 2598


In April 2022 OFSTED said the school was 'Good' in all areas. Here is what they found:

'Westwood Park is a welcoming and caring school. Pupils are happy.'

'Pupils said that they feel safe because leaders and staff care for them.'

'There is a strong culture of safeguarding across the school.'

'Leaders have provided a curriculum that supports the learning and well-being of all pupils, including those with special educational needs.'

'Staff keep a sharp focus on developing children's vocabulary and communication skills.'

'Reading is central to the school's curriculum'.

'Pupils live up to leaders' high expectations for their behaviour. They are polite, respectful and supportive of each other.'

'Throughout the school there is a calm and orderly environment.'

'Pupils learn to manage their own behaviour.'

'Teachers deal with any incidents of poor behaviour or bullying quickly.'

'Leaders are committed to helping pupils realise their aspirations.'


We will be working on:

  • Making sure that every subject area is equally well developed
  • Develop pupils' opportunites to take on responsibilities
Tel: 0161 789 2598 or Email