Dream, believe, achieve, together
0161 789 2598
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Headteacher Welcome

Parents, carers and children, it is my pleasure to be the Headteacher at Westwood Park Community Primary School. We all work very hard and support each other to learn. It is most important that we work as a team and you will always find someone to help you if you have problem.

We go on lots of trips and have as many visitors to school as possible - parents and carers are very welcome to join us. Trips have included Manchester Museum, a Hindu Temple, Manchester Courtroom and the BBC studios. Every year Y6 go on a fabulous trip to Robinwood.  Pupils have visited Ordsall Hall, experiencing the life of the Tudors and learnt to save their own lives in the water at Salford Quays. Our Oak pupils will be performing Romeo and Juliet in Manchester.

You are most welcome to visit our school to see how good we are. You can make an appointment to suit you or just pop in for a chat and a tour!

I have been at Westwood Park for 12 years now and enjoy every day! We are making great progress.

A little bit about me. I love to read. My favourite children’s book is Burglar Bill and my favourite grown up book is either Jane Eyre or A Tale of Two Cities, books I have stayed up late to finish! I have four pets; one cat, a dog and two tortoises called Allegra and Spartacus! I am a bit frightened of snakes and lizards. My dream trip would be to see a Blue Whale!

Mrs S Walker

Tel: 0161 789 2598 or Email