Hello, I am Mrs Powell and I am the class teacher for Year 4 Beech. I work in a calm, comfortable and well equipped environment. We are a very lively Year Four class. We credit ourselves with being a very well behaved and respectful class. We enjoy working as a mixed ability group and supporting each other within lessons. This term we will be looking at Romans and are working on a homework project where we will be using lots of secondary sources to find information about different aspects of the Roman way of life. We are working hard to create working walls and displays. During this year we are going to strive to be the ‘best’ writers and so far have produced some good quality written work. We really enjoy using the well-equipped ICT suite for a range of learning areas, such as Maths, Literacy, Science and History and using i-pads in the classroom. Here we can access a range of programmes to help with our learning and we are becoming very adept at finding our way around on the computer. We enjoy Maths especially problem solving, investigations and practical work, where we work as a team. This gives everyone the opportunity to think and share within a group and we are becoming more confident. In our class we encourage each other to read as often as possible and we enjoy sharing books we have read and recommending them to a friend. Our homework is set each week and we enjoy our project homework tasks.